Norma Logan is the Literacy Coordinator at the Morrill Memorial Library. Read Norma Logan's column in the October 17, 2019 edition of the Norwood Transcript and Bulletin.

Ayn Rand was born in Russia in
1905 and suffered very negative effects of life under communistic rule until
she received permission to visit relatives in Chicago in 1925. She vowed never to return to Russia and
continued to live and work in Hollywood.
I believe Ms. Rand was afraid that communism would follow her to
America, and she used her writings and lectures to warn of its dangers. America in the 60’s was in turmoil; we were
in the midst of the unpopular Vietnam War.
In fact, one of reasons they told us we needed to go to war was to fight
I decided to read or reread Atlas Shrugged. A few pages into
it, I was sure that I either had not read it previously or certainly had not
gotten very far into the 1,000+ pages.
It is a fictional novel that reflects Rand’s philosophy,
Objectivism, but it is also a mystery of sorts.
The reader is compelled to plow thru the 1,000+ pages to find out who
John Galt really is.
Her major characters embody the traits of her philosophy and
are in conflict with the world they live in.
The principle of Ms. Rand’s
Objectivism is multifaceted and complex.
In her own words, “My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a heroic being,
with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive
achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute."
A comprehensive and detailed book about Ayn Rand, her life,
her works and her philosophy is Ayn Rand
and the World She Made by Anne C. Heller.
It’s a must read for anyone interested in learning more about Ms. Rand.
I am sure that if Ms. Rand were alive today in this
tumultuous political climate, she would again be a vocal and very controversial
voice. In the meantime, her novels live on and speak for
her. I’m glad I found, dusted off the pages, and read Atlas Shrugged. It was
thought provoking, challenging and entertaining all at the same time.