Thursday, January 4, 2018

It’s A New Year! Changes Are Coming.

Read Jean Todesca's column in the January 4, 2018 edition of the Norwood Transcript and Bulletin. Jean is the Head of Children's Services at the Morrill Memorial Library.

The beginning of a new year brings resolutions.  Losing weight, learning a new skill, donating time, we’ve all made them.  The thought of resolution makes me reflect on the many transitions in life that we all go through.  Whether a welcomed transition or an unwelcomed change, we all need to adjust and grow.

This past year 2017 has been a transition year for my family.  We celebrated my daughter’s wedding in May as well as my nephew’s wedding a week later.  My husband and I traveled to Los Angeles to celebrate Thanksgiving with my son’s future in-laws.  The trip was a major change since I’ve been hosting Thanksgiving at my home for the last 20 years.  My husband retired in April from a demanding position and is changing his focus in life.  There were unwelcome changes to the passing of my mother at the age of 91 and the death of a close friend of a brain tumor at the age of 56. 

We all experience changes.  As a Children’s Librarian, I am often asked for books to help guide children through these transitions.  We provide books that address death, divorce, fear, anxiety and anger.  There are titles that discuss a jailed parent, a military parent and gay parents. 

Throughout the library, Foreign Language sections have been created and titles are continually added.  The library supports patrons who are in flux whether a recent immigrant learning a new language, enjoying reading in their first language or a patron getting familiar with a new language.

The adult department provides many “self-help” guides to support readers during transitions.  The 2017 title, Option B: facing adversity, building resilience, and finding joy by Sheryl Sandberg is an inspiring, and practical book about building resilience and moving forward after life's inevitable setbacks.  Sheryl’s experience after the sudden loss of her husband provided her with the unfortunate background for the guide.  Ask any reference librarian.  They will direct you to materials that you seek in your quest for knowledge and strategies.  Whether you are creating life changes or reacting to them, the library is a great source.

Make those resolutions, try you best, and best of luck adjusting to the changes in your life with good, bad, expected or unexpected.  Happy New Year!