Norma Logan is the Literacy Coordinator at the Morrill Memorial Library. Read Norma Logan's column in the October 17, 2019 edition of the Norwood Transcript and Bulletin.
Last summer, I cleaned out a
bookcase at home and came across a paperback copy of
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand from my early college days. It has followed me from my dorm room in the 60’s,
to my parent’s home, and thru 2 moves in my married years. During
the busy years of raising children and working, it sat forgotten on the
shelf. What made it special was that it
was personally autographed by Ayn Rand when I attended one of her lectures while
in college. I don’t remember what the
lecture was about nor do I remember meeting her. I wish I did. She was a very vocal and controversial
political activist during the turbulent 60’s and her book,
Atlas Shrugged, was as controversial as she was. The chance to see and hear her speak in
person would have been a must.

Ayn Rand was born in Russia in
1905 and suffered very negative effects of life under communistic rule until
she received permission to visit relatives in Chicago in 1925. She vowed never to return to Russia and
continued to live and work in Hollywood.
I believe Ms. Rand was afraid that communism would follow her to
America, and she used her writings and lectures to warn of its dangers. America in the 60’s was in turmoil; we were
in the midst of the unpopular Vietnam War.
In fact, one of reasons they told us we needed to go to war was to fight