Librarian April Cushing is head of Adult and Information Services at the Morrill Memorial Library. Read her column published in the November 21, 2019 issue of the Norwood Transcript & Bulletin.
never thought I’d end up marrying my former best friend’s husband.
their Halloween class picture, our preschoolers are standing side-by-side dressed
as Batman and a ballerina. I have photos of their son giving my youngest a
bottle, and of our six kids hanging out in the hot tub at Sugarloaf while the
guys played golf. Over the years my friend and I logged countless hours confiding
in and commiserating with each other. When both our marriages went south, I found
myself looking at Batman’s dad in a whole new light. And, evidently, vice
how to break the news to someone with whom you’ve shared everything from babies
to book groups that you’re about to take sharing to a whole new level? I knew
she had moved on romantically so there was no residual torch-holding, but
pounding, I finally just blurted it out over the phone and braced for the
great, I’m so happy for you! I always thought you and Brad would be good
together.” Whoa.