Gone are
the days of chopping onions and weeping for no reason. Now, at least I can weep
while listening to Sherman Alexie’s You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me
with a gin and tonic. No, it isn’t all about weeping--luckily, there is
flu-season to think about, too. Flu-vaccine or not, some of us will be
inevitably become couch-bound for a few unpleasant days. I’m not a doctor, or a
medical professional, but while you’re drinking fluids and destroying boxes of
tissues, I’d recommend listening to JK Rowling’s Harry Potter series or
maybe something terrifying like Stephen King’s It to remind you that
things could always be magically better, or terrifyingly worse--like
magic-killer-clown-in-your-sink worse. Plus, if you play it loud enough, it
even helps drown out the annoying sniffling and coughing that your loved ones
(and coworkers) put up with.
As a
graduate student, listening to audiobooks on what I affectionately call “chipmunk”
speed, which is the book played at double-speed, has helped me get through Tolstoy’s
Anna Karenina when I had only one week to read it. I refuse to rush
other books, like Toni Morrison’s Sula, which is read by Ms. Morrison
herself and feels like the Nobel Prize winning author is reading me a
complicated and beautiful bedtime story. And, as a continuation of that sappy
thought: having your favorite author read their novel or memoir comes as close
to real magic as I can imagine.
On a more
serious note, listening to audiobooks has improved my quality of life during
moments that otherwise feel unproductive or monotonous. I’ve also used them to
re-experience stories that I may not have had time to read again (i.e., Harry
Potter, Lord of the Rings, Classic Fairy Tales) or learn about something that I
would have felt guilty devoting time to (i.e., Animal husbandry, bee keeping)
if I never thought about it again after closing the book. It is extremely
convenient to use audiobooks, too; I keep mine on my phone, so that I can
slowly chip away at the hundreds of thousands of books I’ve never read.
are available, for free, through the Morrill Memorial Library, and can be
downloaded to your phone or tablet with the Overdrive and Libby applications.