Thursday, August 12, 2010

Facing the Future with Facebook

Charlotte Canelli is the Library Director in Norwood. Read her entire column in the Norwood Transcript and Bulletin next week.

Every so often I stumble across my personal “archives.” Translated that means, of course, the cartons of “stuff” that I’ve been moving from home to home over last half century.

Inside one worn cardboard box, under the high school term paper on Jonathan Swift and tucked behind a scrapbook or two, you’ll find a diary. The year was 1965 and I was in the eighth grade.

The first entry was written around the first of January 1965 and I had just seen the Beatles movie “A Hard Day’s Night” (released in 1964.)

“I LOVE Paul!” I was 13 and I had fallen hard for the cutest of the four Beatles.